
Lots of lovely new birds. A gang of House Sparrows have just flown in, they have now been added to my website. I’ve loved painting them ready for a painting commission of a pair of Sparrows.

I’ve just delivered a collection of my work to the lovely Arc Gallery in Chester. Its a gorgeous gallery, i’m very chuffed to be showing my work there. It would have happened sooner but there was a delay due to our current circumstances. This is the link to their website 

Portside Gallery in Bristol now have a great selection of bird paintings including a recent delivery of flying Swallows. 

I’ll be publishing my first newsletter soon. If you sign up to receive it i will be offering a treat in the form of a discount on your next order  

I’ve also added lots of lovely new pieces 

I forgot to mention, my next posting out day is Wednesday 1st July.

Stay safe everyone. any questions about my work don’t hesitate to get in touch!