***Postage dates***

My puppy Norma and i are currently away very close to where i spent nearly half of my life, we are down near lovely Brighton. I’m taking part in The Artists and Makers show in Lewes, its really amazing and i have been very lucky in being selected for many years. As i am away […]

**My VERY elusive newsletter will be heading out very soon**

Seriously, you don’t want to miss out. My very elusive newsletter will be heading out soon in which I will be offering some very lovely Winter treat’s… You’ll have the first opportunity to buy my latest painting’s and a selection of sample prints. Curlew Moon, an Oystercatcher with seapinks and Robin paintings on wood will […]

“Anglesey Open Studios” Come and visit me.

Its nearly time for Anglesey Arts Weeks, the annual event where Anglesey based artists open their studio doors to the public. I’m really looking forward to opening my studio and sharing my recent Anglesey inspired work with you. You can download a copy of the brilliant brochure here – https://angleseyartsforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/AAW-2024-complete-web.pdf Alternatively if you’d like a […]