Author Archives: Liz Toole

“Anglesey Open Studios” Come and visit me.

Its nearly time for Anglesey Arts Weeks, the annual event where Anglesey based artists open their studio doors to the public. I’m really looking forward to opening my studio and sharing my recent Anglesey inspired work with you. You can download a copy of the brilliant brochure here – Alternatively if you’d like a […]

Come and join me on a Cornish Lino Print Retreat…

I have very exciting news… Cornish Lino Printing Retreat 20th – 24th May 2024 I continually get asked if I run workshops, i’ve been waiting for the right opportunity and this is it! A lino printing retreat taught by me over a few days in a beautiful colonial style house in Cornwall. I’ll be sharing my genuine passion, ideas, tips and expertise of […]

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to you all!!! I hope you had a wonderful festive time. Thank you for all of your chats at shows and connections, emails, amazing orders and support from galleries last year. You all make it possible for me do what i love and i’m hugely grateful. I’ve been very busy in the […]

A mini Christmas treat…

Thank you all so much for your amazing orders and commissions, its been very busy at Bird H.Q i’m truly grateful from the bottom of my heart… As a little extra treat I have discounted my current paintings. The discount is now applied and will be available until 26th December. Orders are packaged in hand […]