Author Archives: Liz Toole

New paintings for 2025

Just a quick mini catch up… I’ve been busy painting new work for galleries and for my own shop. If you are a member of my newsletter you’ll have the first exclusive opportunity to buy them AND with a very special 25% off. This particular Puffin painting Gethin is a recent favourite. It is such […]

*** A special Newsletter treat ***

“Happy New Year everyone”. I’m really looking forward to lots of exciting projects, prints, paintings and exhibitions on the horizon for 2025. As a special treat to my newsletter followers i will be offering a 25% off discount code in my next newsletter, this is available at the end of January. You will be given […]

***Postage dates***

My puppy Norma and i are currently away very close to where i spent nearly half of my life, we are down near lovely Brighton. I’m taking part in The Artists and Makers show in Lewes, its really amazing and i have been very lucky in being selected for many years. As i am away […]

**My VERY elusive newsletter will be heading out very soon**

Seriously, you don’t want to miss out. My very elusive newsletter will be heading out soon in which I will be offering some very lovely Winter treat’s… You’ll have the first opportunity to buy my latest painting’s and a selection of sample prints. Curlew Moon, an Oystercatcher with seapinks and Robin paintings on wood will […]