I hope everyone is looking after themselves in our crazy new normal.
Many more bird paintings on wood have been created and then flown off to new homes. I’ve been selling a collection of work on instagram, through a platform that helps artists sell work in these difficult times. The ethos behind it is when an artist has sold £1000 worth of work they then buy another artists work for £200, its a great idea and i’m currently over half way and already know exactly who i will be buying a piece from. This is the link to my instagram page https://www.instagram.com/liztooleart/
Anyway…. exciting news i will soon be showing with the lovely Arc Gallery in Chester, they will soon be opening and following safety measures for social distancing. Its a gorgeous gallery showcasing beautiful handmade work in a beautiful building. I’ll be showing my full range of work with them. Painting’s on wood, handmade limited edition prints, greetings cards etc. This is the link to their website –http://thearcgallery.co.uk/
Thank you for all of your support during these uncertain times, you’ve been amazing. I’ve genuinely loved painting all of my birds on wood and discovered some gorgeous new birds. My recent favourites are definitely Swallows and Long Tailed Tits, what super cute birds, i’ve loved painting them. This is one of my brand new pieces Lean On Me. Originally the painting was just going to be one bird, like the majority of my pieces this month, but i decided to add a little friend for him, it definitely worked out, loving the title too!
I’ve got lots and lots of ideas, if only i could clone myself. I’m planning to bring out a new range of greetings cards of my bird painting on wood, so excited to get some samples printed.
My delivery dates are slightly altered this week as i am having a few days off. Any orders placed between Tuesday 9th June to 3pm Thursday 11th June will be posted on Friday 12th June.
Then following on from this any orders placed after 3pm Thursday 11th June will then be posted on Thursday 18th June. I hope that makes sense.
Don’t forget you can still sign up to my newsletter. i’m hoping to send my first one out this month along with a treat to say Thank you. https://liztoole.co.uk/newsletter-sign-up/
Thank you everyone and take care x