Well it definitely feels like Spring is in the air, the birds have really kicked it up a gear with their singing, i’ve seen grassy banks covered in blankets of snowdrops, so lovely! Lots of crocuses out and about too.
So…. very exciting, its very nearly time for #supersecondssaturday. An online event i’m taking part in this weekend for which i will be selling lots of lovely pieces at very special prices ( half price or less ) The page on my website where these pieces can be purchased is not yet live. It will officially be open at 10am Saturday 27th February. If you fancied an extra treat on the day ( its a surprise, i can’t say what ) then please sign up to my newsletter, i think you’ll like it ! https://liztoole.co.uk/newsletter-sign-up/
Here you can see a selection of my bird paintings on wood that will be half price. As my website doesn’t have the capability to take overseas orders, i can take the orders myself, Just drop me an email to liztooleart@gmail.com letting me know what you’d like, i’ll put the items to one side and then get a postage quote for you.
So ….some of the pieces i will be selling are slight seconds, so slightly imperfect.
Some are samples, when I have a new print I physically print colour options, so these pieces are one offs.
Some are just slightly older pieces so I’m making space ready for new work.
There really are some super duper pieces on offer, I hope you will like them.
Its full steam ahead at Bird H.Q. Lots of lovely commissions and new work to be painted for https://www.mostyn.org/
And https://www.mulberrytreegallery.co.uk/
Hopefully i’ll be able to deliver the work myself, I don’t know about you, i’m desperate for a road trip, its usually quite a big part of my life, i make gallery deliveries into road trips, how i’ve missed them so….
That’s that for now. Thank you for your continued support it means the world xx