Printmaking and a 2 week studio break

I’ve been a very busy printmaker… My Eco note/sketchbooks were getting very low so i decided to order another 400!!! I hand print linocut designs onto the blank books using my table top press. As you can see the studio is looking very busy, its also hugely satisfying to see lots of lovely prints drying. […]

**New bird paintings available this week**

Roll up…. Roll up… Last chance to have the opportunity to possibly purchase one of my brand new bird paintings. They will be available to my lovely newsletter followers first. This is the link to sign up – Here you can see a selection of some of the paintings available. Featuring Elspeth, Rupert, Bernie, […]

**August Shop Update**

Wow, what amazing weather, i’ve actually got  bit of a suntan, not from sunbathing, just from being outside. I’ve just returned from a fabulous festival in Anglesey called Tonnau, its was so much fun, such a treat to dance all weekend. So…. I’m planning a shop update of new paintings on wood in August. I’m […]

New paintings and a discount code via my Newsletter

I’ve added some more work to my paintings page. This is one of my favourites, ‘Doing it my way’, it features a group of Sanderlings. Its painted on a very special piece of Welsh driftwood i recently found on the coast of Anglesey There’s still time to sign up to my Newsletter to receive […]

Half price greetings cards and and a Newsletter offer

I’m currently offering 2 packs of 10 greetings cards at half price!! All of the cards seen here are included… I’m planning to add to my range and need to make some room, here are the links to the 2 discounted packs – In other news i’m about to start painting a collection […]