Hi there everyone, just to say i will not be able to post any orders out from 12th to 18th April. Normal posting will resume on 19th April. If there is something you would like to order please go ahead and it will be waiting for me to package up on my return. Thank you for all of your lovely orders recently, i’ve had a real flurry.
So I’ve treated myself to a 2 day reduction lino printing course this weekend by one of my favourite printmakers Ian Philips, he’s part of the amazing collective Pine Feroda, a group of printmakers i am in awe of, i could have taught myself reduction but thought it would be lovely to be a student again, can’t wait! Check out Pine Foroda https://www.pineferoda.co.uk/
I have just uploaded a lovely selection of Robins in the painting section of my website https://liztoole.co.uk/product-category/paintings/
I am also putting together a delivery of work ready for an exhibition at the lovely Mostyn Gallery in fabulous Llandudno. My greetings cards will also soon be stocked in their shop.
That’s all for now, any questions just get in touch…