*** A special Newsletter treat ***

“Happy New Year everyone”. I’m really looking forward to lots of exciting projects, prints, paintings and exhibitions on the horizon for 2025.

As a special treat to my newsletter followers i will be offering a 25% off discount code in my next newsletter, this is available at the end of January. You will be given a special coupon code, you will enter this at the checkout, it will take 25% off everything in your basket. So, what are you waiting for, here is the link – https://liztoole.co.uk/newsletter-sign-up/

2025 is going to be the year of running workshops, I’ve already penclied a few in the diary to take place in Anglesey. If you fancy joining me i will be announcing these through my newsletters first, so another fabulous reason to sign up.

Thank you so much for all of your supprt in 2024. My work really kept me going through a tough year. I wouldn’t be doing what i do without you lovely lot and of course not forgetting all of the fabulous galleries that show my work.

Take care guys, Liz and Norma xx